Page 9 - 2023高雄研習會手冊
P. 9

Message from TRF Trustee Chair Representative  ҧቃਿږึڭ၍։ࡰึ˴ࢩ˾ڌ˖ѓ

 Dear fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors,   ፋฌٙҧቃٟࡰeҧڡٟࡰʿҧቃ࢕ࢬᘒହࡁj
 and members of the Family of Rotary,
 Welcome to the 2023 Kaohsiung
 Rotary Institute for Zones 1B, 9, and
 For the past 118 years, Rotary has
 shown that the world can be made
        ਕeᑌሒeεʩe͍ٜձჯኬ Ñίҧቃʥ್πίഃܙ
 better—that all of the good things
 that sometimes seem to be missing from the world—like   ɛࡁԸኹ׬̴fϞəவԬᄆ࠽ԸஹഐҢࡁϓމҧቃٟ
 service, and fellowship, and diversity, and integrity, and   ࡰf
 leadership—are still right here in Rotary, waiting for people
 to embrace them. These are the values that connect us as      ӊɓࡈҧቃ޼୦ึ݊ኑၳᑌሒձᅅज़Ңࡁϓ̌ٙ
 members of Rotary.  ࠠࠅዚึdɰীሞҢࡁνОঐ੄ܵᚃϓڗձҷᜊfҢࡁ

 Every Rotary institute is an important opportunity to gather   ޴ၳίɓৎʱԮซجԨ౤Ϙਂ๟௪f
 in fellowship and celebrate our successes, as well as
 discuss how we can continue to grow and change. We      ί͉޼୦ึಂගdҢࡁਗ਼ܠϽҧቃਿږึࠅਂٙ
 come together to share ideas and prepare for what is   ഛԫd˸ʿҢࡁνОԸ˕ܵԟԬഛԫfҢࡁʊ຾މਿږ
 ahead of us.  ึணͭəඪːۉۉٙͦᅺfҢࡁঐྼତவԬͦᅺΪމઆ

 During this Institute, we will consider the good work of   ᗫːҢࡁהਂٙԫdҢࡁ௴ிᑌഐձᆑঐމҧቃ̘ऊৰ
 The Rotary Foundation and how we can support that
 good work. We have established ambitious goals for our
 Foundation. We can achieve these goals because you      Ңࡁҧቃɛڭܵഹ˸ֻБഛٙڋহdഐΥ͏଺e
 care about the work we do, the connections we create,
 and the potential for Rotary to eradicate a disease, build
 peace, and make the world a better place.
 Uniting people, communities, and nations remains at the
 heart of who we are and what we do. We must work to
 ensure that a stronger, thriving, revitalized Rotary will be
 better able than ever to unite the world for good. Together,
 we will continue to provide extraordinary service to local
 and global communities, as we Create Hope in the World.

 Mark Daniel Maloney        ҧቃਿږڭ၍։ࡰึ ˴ࢩ˾ڌ
 TRF Trustee Chair Representative    ৵д・ʗ̵ဧ・ૠඤ̵ ห൭

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