Page 7 - 2023高雄研習會手冊
P. 7

Message from PRIP Gary C.K. Huang  ਷ყҧቃۃٟڗ˖ѓ

 Dear Fellow Rotarians and Friends,  ፋฌٙҧቃٟࡰձ؃ʾࡁj
 As I reflect on my 47 years of Rotary   ຅ҢΫᚥ̬ɤɖϋٙҧቃ؂ਕ຾ዝࣛdҢࡁίɓৎ
 service, I’m filled with a deep sense of
 pride and gratitude for the remarkable   ຾ዝڢɭٙࣚ೻ʕdᜫҢชᙃܘଉdʫː̂တІႴձೌ
 journey we’ve undertaken together. It all   ࠢชዧfவɓʲ੽1981ϋක֐d຅ࣛҢϞֱዄ΂̨̏ҧ
 began in 1981 when I had the privilege   ቃٟਓٟڗdίԟݬࣛගʫdҢ஗΂նዄ΂ɓࡈतйٙ
 of serving as the Vice President of the   ԉЍdவਗ਼া༱ഹɓࡈจ່ࠠɽٙࣚ೻--ϓމ̨ᝄ࠯֣
 Rotary Club of Taipei. During that time, I
 was appointed to a special role, one that   ˴፬ҧቃ޼୦ึᘪ௪ึ।ࣣfίۃᐼ္௓τຩPDG AK
 would mark the beginning of a significant   ChenϞჃԈٙჯኬɨdމуਗ਼ࠅ೯͛ࠠɽԫઋఢ֛əԄ
 journey - I became the Secretary of the Organizing Committee   λٙਿᓾf
 for the first-ever Rotary Institute held in Taiwan. Under the
 visionary leadership of PDG AK Chen, this momentous event      ੽ԟࣛৎdҢࡁϞֱ˴፬əՇ̨֣̏ҧቃ޼୦ึd
 laid the foundation for what was to come.
 Since then, we’ve had the honor of hosting two Rotary   2002ʿ2005 ϋ˴፬əՇ֣਷ყҧቃٟڗึᙄdҢዹत
 Institutes in Taipei, and I had the privilege of serving as the
 Convener on both occasions. Additionally, Taiwan has been   Ϟֱዄ΂˴ࢩf್ϾהϞவԬഹΤٙҧቃึᙄݺਗίശ
 proud to host two RI Presidential Conferences in 2002 and   ᘆ̨ٙ̏෥ʆඵֳᑘБf
 2005, for which I had the distinct honor of serving as the
 Chairperson. However, all these prestigious Rotary events      ҢٙʫːdϞɓࡈڗɮ˸ԸٙᗴૐdɓࡈྫྷซdҢ
 were held in the splendid setting of the Taipei Grand Hotel.  ࡁא஢Ϟɓ˂ϞዚึҪҧቃ޼୦ึቋՑ̨ᝄی௅ٙอή
 In my heart, I’ve held a longstanding aspiration—a dream that   ᓃfʦ˂dҢࠅชᑽ਷ყҧቃٟڗ໤೮ձ਷ყҧቃଣԫ
 we might one day have the opportunity to bring the Rotary   մᎀ˝ᜫவࡈྫྷซ੻˸ϓॆfϞ˼ࡁٙ˕ܵձᗴ౻dԴ
 Institute to a new venue in the southern part of Taiwan. Today,   Ңࡁঐ੄ί̨ᝄᓒɽҧቃٙᅂᚤɢձ࢝ତی௅ήਜ˿ɛ
 I am grateful to RI President Gordon and RI Director Ghim
 Bok for making this dream a reality. Their support and vision   ᗭ˸ໄڦٙҧቃၚग़f
 have allowed us to extend our Rotary presence in Taiwan and
 showcase the incredible spirit of Rotary in the southern region.     Ңɰܘ৷ጳ޶Ց3510ήਜ৷ඪ޼୦ึ˴։ಀ߇ᑌ
        PDG William Tsengჯኬɨٙҧቃٟࡰޫрɢʔ኶d˸
 I am also delighted to see the tireless efforts of the Rotarians
 from District 3510 in Kaohsiung under the leadership of   ʿԸІ̨ᝄ΢ήٙҧቃٟࡰࡁேίމəவϣସึϾрɢ
 Institute Chair, PDG William Tseng, as well as Rotarians from   ๟௪fҢ૩ʔᕿဲ˼ࡁٙւᘠၚग़ձාኧʈЪdவਗ਼ᆽ
 across Taiwan, who have been working diligently to prepare   ڭҧቃ޼୦ึٙϓ̌ձवɨᗭҙٙΫኳf
 for this grand event. I have no doubt that their dedications and
 hard works will ensure a successful and memorable Rotary      ࿁הϞਞၾ٫dҢଉڌชᑽЫࡁί৷ඪဏԸɽඵ
 To all the participants, I express my deepest thanks for your   Ϟᔮ၂ϓ؈ձ̨ᝄی௅ᗭ˸ҙᕿٙࣚ೻fᜫҢࡁΝː՘
 presence at this historic Rotary Institute in Kaohsiung Grand
 Hi-Lai Hotel. I am confident that you will have a fruitful and   ɢ௴ிҎૐdԴ͉ϣ޼୦ึϓމҧቃ̦ɪίԭݲϞഹՙ
 unforgettable journey here in Taiwan’s southern area. Let   ൳ڢɭٙᇐ௝f
 us come together, create hope, and make this Institute a
 remarkable chapter in Rotary’s history in Asia.     ชᑽϞઆٙਞၾdϓމҢࡁҧቃࣚ೻ʕdᜫɛชՑ
 Thank you for your participation and for being part of this   ጳኧᛇఃٙࣛՍf
 exciting moment in our Rotary journey.
 Gary CK Huang                    2014-15 ਷ყҧቃٟڗ
 Rotary International President (2014-15)  රՉΈ  ห൭

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