Page 11 - 2023高雄研習會手冊
P. 11

Message from CO-CONVENER  ҧቃ޼୦ึᑌΥ̜ණɛ˖ѓ

 Co-Conveners, 2023 Kaohsiung Rotary Institute  యหٙ1Be9ձ10ήਜٙҧቃٟʾj


 Ghim Bok Chew  Muhammad Faiz Kidwai
 RI Director 2023-25  RI Director 2022-24
 Dear Rotary Members of Zones 1B, 9 and 10:
 A warm welcome to the 2023 Kaohsiung Rotary Institute.
 Every Institute provides a unique opportunity to celebrate
 our successes, discuss, learn, and exchange views   ତ࿁̨ᝄҧቃٙ࿃อൖ௉fৰəෂ୕ٙኪ୦ዚึ̮d৷
 on how we can continue to adapt to and grow with our   ඪᒔϞ଺ε˿આձ࢕ɛۜբٙᘒᔛfሗίஸवಂගးઋ
 changing world. It’s a chance to come together and plan,
 not only for the year ahead, but also for Rotary’s future.     Ԯա̨ᝄٙᆠઋλ܄f
 Rotary has been doing good in the world for the last 118
 years, we need continuity to serve the community in the      Ңࡁ༐ᅚಂૐઆঐጐ฽ਞၾҧቃ޼୦ึdԨਗ਼ה
 next century to come.
 Although Taiwan has hosted the Rotary Institute on
 numerous occasions, it is the first time that we are holding   ίϤdҢࡁࠅชᑽ͟PDG William Tsengჯኬٙ˴
 the Institute in Kaohsiung, in the southern part of Taiwan.
 The Institute promises to give you a fresh perspective of   ፬։ࡰึdชᑽ˼ࡁί޼୦ึٙഄྌձੂБʕٙՙ൳ڌ
 Rotary in Taiwan. Besides the usual learning opportunities,   ତfઆࡁٙ๟௪ʈЪϘίɓϋεۃу࢝කdԨ˲࿁଺ε
 Kaohsiung has plenty to offer you and your family. Please
 enjoy the Taiwanese hospitality while you are here.  ୚ືڭܵɓകʔ߼ٙᗫءdܼ̍ᆽڭऎ̮ਞၾ٫ᐏ੻ᖦ
 It is our sincere hope that you participate actively in the   ᗇdԨίዚఙձ৷᚛१ᆠઋટܙfઆٙ୚ːᑘણೌဲਗ਼
 Institute and bring the newly acquired knowledge back to   މҢࡁί৷ඪٙஸवᄣЍʔˇdҢࡁ͟হชዧf
 your district.
 We would like to thank the Host Organising Committee,
 headed by PDG William Tseng for the planning and
 execution of the Institute. Your preparation started more   2023 ৷ඪҧቃ޼୦ึ ᑌΥ̜ණɛ
 than one year ago, and you have painstakingly paid
 attention to many details, including making sure overseas
 participants are issued with visas, and received at the   2023-25 ҧቃ਷ყଣԫ   2022-24 ҧቃ਷ყଣԫ
 airports and HSR stations. Your thoughtfulness will   մᎀ˝  جͺধ・ਿᅃ͙ͺ
 definitely make a difference to our stay in Kaohsiung and
 is greatly appreciated.                       ห  ൭

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