Page 5 - 2023高雄研習會手冊
P. 5

Message from RI PRESIDENT   ਷ყҧቃٟڗ˖ѓ

 Dear fellow Rotary leaders,  ፋฌٙҧቃჯኬɛࡁj
 As you attend your Institute, do not
 forget your vital importance to Rotary.     ຅આਞ̋޼୦ึࣛdሗʶҙাઆ࿁ҧቃٙЇᗫࠠ
 We have been handed the reins of   ࠅ׌fίவࡈዝ̦ࣛՍdҢࡁ஗બʚჯኬfҧቃϞዚึ
 leadership at an historic moment.   ᐏ੻˰ޢٙᗫءၾႩᗆ̙ٙঐ׌d൴˷əҢࡁٙཫಂf
 Rotary has a chance to capture
 the world’s attention and realize   ν؈ҢࡁࠅྼତҢࡁٙͦᅺdۆ̀඲ܔͭ˸ɨʈЪމਿ
 possibilities beyond our expectations.   ᓾfԷνj኷௷ʃՅ௦ຌसձረʚɾᛆf
 But we must build on the work that
 has gone before us if we are to reach our goals, such as      ҧቃމБਗ౤ԶᑌᖩၾʹݴٙዚึdϾঐᜫɛҬՑ
 defeating polio and empowering girls and women.
 Rotary offers people of action a chance to connect and
 find a sense of belonging, and this fellowship gives us   ҷᜊfШ݊࿁׵อڿޥઋɽݴБdϞһεٙɛˢ˸ֻช
 hope that we can create lasting change. But in the wake   Ցഒૐf஢εɛ̰̘əЇፋλʾd຅໊ٟၣ༩஗୅ৰி
 of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people than ever feel
 hopeless. Many have lost people close to them. Social   ϓʱᕎ̋ᄌdટഹ̰̘ᑌഖ̙ٙঐۆᜊ੻һ̋ᄿعf
 networks have been uprooted and divisions have grown
 wider as opportunities for connection have been lost.     ί˰ޢϞ஢εή˙݊ೌஈ̙రӋᏍпdආϾڮԴ
 To make matters worse, in many parts of the world, asking   ԫઋһ̋ెʷdˈՉίːଣ਄ੰჯਹٙᗫᕿd஗ႩމϞ
 for help—especially in the realm of mental health — is   הॹ௘fШ݊ӚϞʡჿঐჃ௷׵ॆ޴ٙѓͣdۇ౲וႩ
 considered a weakness. But nothing could be further
 from the truth. It is brave to be vulnerable and to admit   ІʉٙঌࢮձІʉӚϞ༆Ӕ˙ࣩdరӋᏍп݊ۇ౲ٙڌ
 you don’t have all the answers. Reaching out for help is   ତ--ԨމܵᚃԐί਄ੰʘ༩һცࠅνϤਂf
 courageous—and continuing on a path towards wellness
 is even more so.
 Join me in making Rotary a source of strength for all of   ၾڢٟࡰdԟԬชᙂІʉӚϞҎૐٙɛfᜫʦϋϓމҢ
 those who feel they have no hope, within and beyond our
 membership. Let this be the year we Create Hope in the   ࡁމ˰ޢ௴ிҎૐٙɓϋdᜫҧቃ஗၈މ݊ɓࡈ؂ਕɛ
 World, and let Rotary be known as an organization that   ໊ɰ๫ᚥІʉٟࡰٙଡ଼ᔌf
 takes care of its members as well as the people we serve.
 It is within your power to help bring peace and soothe      ίЫঐɢʫ̘Ꮝп੭Ըձ̻ʿᇠձԟԬա߮׵˼ࡁ
 those afflicted by conflict, both in their communities and in   ٟٙਜձІʉ͛ݺʕٙላᏘfҢҎૐઆঐҪவϣ޼୦ึ
 I hope you take the knowledge gained at this Institute back to
 your clubs to help them succeed throughout the coming year.  ϓ̌fা੻આٙЪމਗ਼ঐމ˰ޢ௴ிҎૐf
 Remember that your work can and will Create Hope in the

 R. Gordon R. McInally            2023-24 ਷ყҧቃٟڗ
 President, Rotary International 2023-24  ໤೮・௥ږॶл ห൭

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