You can get an organized view of project notes by sorting.By default, all newly created notes will be put into "Not grouped".For better organization, you may create note folders to group notes into different types.
Note:"Not grouped" does not accept operations like create, move, delete and rename.

Create note folder

  1. In Notes tab, click Create folder or right-click the note folder panel.
  2. Enter a name for the new folder and click anywhere else to finish.

Create multi-level note folder

  1. Double-click a note folder or right-click it and select "Open" to go to the next level.
    • Double-click up_note_folder or click Up to go back to the previous level.
  2. Click Create folder and enter a name.

Move note folder

  1. Right-click a note folder and select "Move to" from the menu.
  2. In the "Move to" dialog box, select the target folder and click OK.

Delete note folder

Click the X icon to the right of a note folder or right-click a note folder and select "Delete" from the menu.
Note:You cannot delete a note folder if it contains any note or sub-folder.

Rename note folder

  1. Right-click a note folder and select "Rename" from the menu.
  2. Enter a name for the new folder and click anywhere else to finish.