Add project member

Only project owner and administrator can add new member to the project.

  1. Click the left arrow in the upper right corner to expand the panel.
  2. Click "Add" in the bar on top of the member panel.
  3. In the pop-up Add dialog box, select the members to add.Deselect "Allow viewing old messages" if you don't wish to let new members view past messages.
  4. If you need to add permissions for new members, please select "Custom member permissions" and set their permissions for task, document and note.
  5. Click "OK".

Change member permissions

  1. Select the target member in the member panel. Click "Permission settings" button to open "Member permission settings" dialog box.
  2. Change permissions for the member.
  3. Click "OK" button to finish.

Assign as/ Remove administrator

  1. Click the left arrow in the upper right corner to expand the panel.
  2. Select the members whom you want to change administrator status in the member panel (multiple selection supported).
  3. Right-click the member and select "Assign as administrator (or Remove administrator)".

Change Project Leader

To change the owner of project, please contact your TP administrator.

Remove member from project