Page 23 - 2023高雄研習會手冊
P. 23

GETS / GNTS / Partner Training Seminar             Governors-elect Training Seminar (GETS)
             Joint Opening Session                              Separate Class Program & Dinner

       0925-0928  Introduction of Training Session Location       Governors-elect Training Seminar (GETS)
                PDG Sara Ma
                                                                 PlacejDGE (EN 1)Ñ9F Room A
                GETS Team Leader (ZH)                                   DGE (EN 2)Ñ9F Room B
                                                                 ModeratorjPDG Andre Suharto
       0928-0930  Adjournment & Group Photo                                 GETS Team Leader (EN)
                RID Ghim Bok Chew
                Co-Convener, 2023 Kaohsiung Rotary Institute     Wednesday, Dec. 06, 2023 (09:50-21:00)
                                                                0950-1105  Motivating Your District
       0930-0950  Break   Move to Classroom
                                                                          DGE (EN 1): Room A
                DGE (EN 1) :
                                                                          PDG Siti Subaidah Mustaffa
                9F Room A                                                 General Trainer

                DGE (EN 2) :                                              DGE (EN 2): Room B
                9F Room B (Roundtable)                                    PDG Andre Suharto
                                                                          GETS Team Leader

                DGE (ZH) :
                9F Room C                                       1105-1110  Breakout Room Transition
                DGE / DGN Parter (EN) :                         1110-1230  Engaging with Clubs
                9F Room D (Roundtable)                                    DGE (EN 1): Room A
                                                                          PDG Rolando 'Oyan'  Villanueva
                DGN (EN 1) :
                                                                          GNTS Team Leader (EN)
                15F Chatter Room (Herringbone)
                                                                          DGE (EN 2): Room B
                DGN (EN 2) :                                              PDG Siti Subaidah Mustaffa
                15F Elite Room                                            General Trainer

                DGN (ZH) :                                      1230-1345  Lunch (9F Golden Dragon)
                15F Regal Room
                                                                          Transit -Note the Different Groupings:
                DGE / DGN Parter (ZH) :
                                                                          Room A :
                15F Board Room                                            DGEs from Zones 1B, 10B, 10C & D52
                                                                          (Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand,
                                                                          Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei & China)

                                                                          Room B :
                                                                          DGEs from Zone 10A

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